K-9 Deputy "Nox" End of Watch: April 30, 2023
Thank you for your years of service to our community.
K-9 Deputy "Friday" has retired as of April 1, 2023. Thank you for your many years of service to our community.
Fox Valley Vet My Sunshine Wellness Team walked to end Alzheimer's on 9/16/2023. Donations helped advance the fight against Alzheimer's Disease.
Fox Valley Vet participated in the Burlington High School Opportunity Day.
Fox Valley Vet supports and participates in the Burlington Chamber of Commerce Home & Garden Show.
Fox Valley Veterinary Service participates in the Waterford Senior Living State Fair.
Fox Valley Vet along with Racine County Sheriff Ed Drewitz and Sheriff K-9 "Friday", participate in the Waterford Area Chamber of Commerce Home Expo.
Fox Valley Vet participates in the iCare Color Run.
Fox Valley Veterinary Service participated in the Memorial Balloon release for the Vince Lombardi Cancer Fund.
Racine County Sheriff Ed Drewitz, Sheriff K-9 "Friday", along with Fox Valley Vet supporting Carnival for a Cure at the Burlington Aurora Cancer Care Clinic.
Fox Valley Vet participates in the Burlington Christmas Parade.
A Christmas Fundraiser with Santa (Sheriff Ed Drewitz), Sheriff K-9 "Friday" and the Elf (Sheriff Kurt Clemons) along with Fox Valley Vet. All proceeds from this event go to the Racine County Sheriff K-9 unit.
Fox Valley Vet sponsors and volunteers at Waterford River Rhythms, a FREE music in the park concert series.
In 2015 the Racine County Agricultural Society recognized Fox Valley Veterinary Service for their support of the Racine County Fair by presenting them with the Friend of the Fair Award.
Fox Valley Veterinary Service provides and donates all services for the Burlington K-9 Unit.
Fox Valley Vet supports and participates in the Rochester Day in the Country event. This year it included a special visit from Miss United States Agriculture, Jessica Noble.
Fox Valley Veterinary Service provides and donates all services to the Racine County Sheriff and City of Burlington Police K-9 Units.
© Fox Valley Veterinary Service
We are open to the public.