If you do not have one, and wish to wear one, we will provide a disposable one to wear while here.
Our remote check in will continue. In order to avoid too many people being too close together in the reception area, we will ask you to call from your car to check in with us when you are here, and wait there until we inform you that an exam room is available.
Please limit the number of family members who enter the building with your pet/pets. In order to keep the number of people in the building to a minimum, fewer people will be allowed to enter the building with your pet/pets.
You do not have to enter the building, if you feel more comfortable staying in your car. If you are an at-risk person (due to health concerns or non-vaccinated status) and do not feel it is safe for you to come in with your pet even if you are masked, we will be happy to continue our current curbside service - simply let us know when you call in to announce your arrival.
Clients will not enter the building to pick up medication/food. We will deliver it to your car. If you have medication refills or need to pick up pet food or other supplies, please call in advance so that we can have you all checked out and ready for a quick pick-up by the time you arrive. Then, please call into the clinic when you get here and we will bring your items out to your car.
For your safety and ours, we ask that these new rules be followed by everyone - no exceptions.
We would like to say a heartfelt thank you to those of you who have been so understanding throughout this pandemic and the changes it has forced upon all of us. We are grateful to have made it through the (hopefully) worst of it together, while still being able to provide your pets with much-needed care. We appreciate each and every one of you who entrust us with your beloved pets' healthcare, and we are so very happy and excited to be able to see you all again in person!